Join our Promotional Event's
Two Steps away for playing the best Lineage!
EXP x3
SP x3
Adena x2
Drop x1
Spoil x1
Quests x1
Seal Stones -x1
Manor -x1
Enchant Rate
+3 Safe Enchant
+4 :Safe Enchant Full Body Armor
+16 :Max Enchant Weapons
+10 :Max Enchant Armors
Mage Weapons:+3 to 15+ :40% / +15 to 16+:20%
Fighter Weapons:+3 to 15+ :60% / +15 to 16+:25%
Armor: 4:66.6%/5:33.3%/6:25%/7:20%/8:16.6%/9:14.2%/10:12.5%
Augment Rate
Augment Rate Skill: Normal LS: 1%
Augment Rate Skill: Mid LS: 6%
Augment Rate Skill: Hight LS: 10%
Augment Rate Skill: Top LS: 14%
🔸Buffs slots: 20+4.
🔸Retail Buff Duration.
🔸Spellbook needed to learn skills.
🔸Alt + Click for buff Removal.
Quality of Life
🔸AAC-Guard Protection.
🔸DDos Protection.
🔸Captcha system.
🔸Mail System.
🔸You Can Delevel up to 10 Lvls To Keep Skills.
🔸Global chat (!) and trade chat(+) is free requires lvl 15.
🔸(!chat)is global and(+chat) is regional chat.
🔸35 seconds spawn protection.
🔸Shift + Click for drop/spoil information.
🔸ALT+K For Skill Panel(To Learn Skills or To Enchant skills).
🔸Adventurer's Guide (Miss Queen) is in all towns/villages.
🔸Shadow weap D/C/B grade to Shadow Weapon Manager.
🔸Offline shop(Set caracter in shop mode and exit game).
🔸Reward for logging into the game daily.
🔸Vote Reward System.
🔸Stream Reward.
Voice Commands
🔸Server time is: UTC +2.
🔸Two (2) game clients per ip.
🔸Donate and Vote coin can't be sold/drop/trade/destroy.
🔸Cursed weapons disabled until first heroes.
🔸Wedding system is disabled (will be activaded later on).
🔸Clan hall rent fee was increased by 300% for better economy.
🔸Quest Enhance weapon is required to lvl up soul crystals.
🔸Chance to update soul crystal lvl to Anakazel Rift Raid Boss retail value.
Olympiad Info
🔸Period -Monthly
🔸Olympiad will start when there are minimum 40 players nobless.
🔸Participation is possible only through the Olympiad Master.
🔸Hours of competition are 20:00 UTC +2 to 02:00
Seven Sings
🔸Seven Signs Total Period is 14 days
🔸Competition Period are 7 days
🔸Validation Period are 7 days
Epic Raids Spawn
🔸Queen Ant:24h+2h random (30% chance)
🔸Orfen:36h+2h random (30% chance)
🔸Core:36h+2h random (30% chance)
🔸Zaken:48h+2h random (100% chance)
🔸Baium:5days+2h random (100% chance)
🔸Frintezza:48h+2h random (100% chance)
🔸Antharas:8days+2h random (100% chance)
🔸Valakas:11days+2h random (100% chance)
Raids Spawn
🔸Common Raids - 12h+8h random
🔸Sub Class Raids - 12h+8h random
Raids Spawn
🔸Raid Boss Exp - x2
🔸Raid Boss Drop- x1
🔸Raid lure protection, they can't be lured too far away from original spawn place.